Monday, April 8, 2013

Movie Review

Taken: A Movie Review


Taken starts off in California, but most of the movie occurs in Paris. Brian Mills, portrayed by actor Liam Neeson, gets offered a security job with his friends to guard a singer. At the concert, the singer is nearly attacked by a man, however, Brian thwarts the assailant's attempt and gets the singer away safely. The next day, when Brian has lunch with his daughter, Kimmy, she asks permission to go to Paris with her friend, Amanda. Brian is hesitant because he does not want his daughter to go alone; however, he eventually lets her go. In Paris, while Kimmy is in the bathroom talking to her dad, she sees Amanda being abducted by a small group of men. Brian gives her a set of instructions to follow, preparing Kimmy to be taken by the men. Brian uses his skills from working in the secret agency to try and find Kimmy. Taken is a good movie because of the plot, soundtrack, its appeal to a wide audience, and Liam Neeson’s performance in the movie.


The plot is well developed in a number of aspects. The plot was realistic, as being abducted by people from another country is possible. Being in this situation can be very stressful and scary. The audience gets a good sense of what Brian Mills is capable of within the first twenty minutes of the movie. Conflict arises quickly after the audience sees the set of skills Brian has to offer and how his skills would help in the situation. While Brain searches for his daughter, there are many action scenes involved. In addition to all the action scenes, the movie also contains an abundance of suspense.The suspense captivates viewers throughout the movie; leaving them breathless and wanting to know what happens next. Only when the conflict is finally resolved can the audience take another breath. While watching this movie, the audience does not notice how much time has gone by.


The soundtrack enhances the movie and further sets the mood. The music playing in the background is very subtle, but it is just enough to make the scene creepy. Occasionally the music will gradually crescendo, making the audience more anxious since they feel that something will happen soon due to the music. The music is perfectly timed for an event. To view the soundtracks, click here.

Audience Relevance

Taken appeals to a wider audience than just men. Despite the action scenes, the movie attracts women because it is a drama. Vicariously, mothers can relate to Kimmy’s mother in the movie; having a child taken away is something they can empathize with. Furthermore, the movie is relevant to teens. Kimmy is seventeen years old and puts too much trust in strangers. This results in her being abducted. The movie teaches teens not to trust or give too much information to strangers.

Liam Neeson

Liam Neeson is a great actor for the movie because he is able to keep up with the action and he plays the distressed father figure very well. His role as the protective father is very genuine. There is no doubt that he loves his daughter and will do anything to get her back. Despite the fact that he is working against time, he uses his skills very wisely. He is very knowledgeable of what to do and when to do it. Liam Neeson is in many other movies as well. To learn more about Liam Neeson, click here.


Overall, Taken is a note-worthy movie because of the plot, soundtrack, appeal to the audience, and Liam Neeson’s performance. Taken is packed with action and very suspenseful. It is a must see movie and highly recommended for all people. Be prepared to be left breathless and mind-blown.


  1. You made very good points. Try to make the summary and the plot paragraph a little shorter. Also, is there any way to make the blog wider? The article is on a very narrow template. Very good review, pictures were good, and the links were nice.

  2. I thought it was cool how you used the "click here" for the hyperlinks. I also think the summary was good, and I don't think you gave away too much information. The background worked well, too, and the gif was a nice touch. I didn't notice any spelling or grammar errors. I think you did a great job!

  3. This was a good review. I watched this movie and I agree with you had to say about it. This movie is great. I like your background especially since it makes Liam look ominous. The pictures and links you use are a great way to make the review look even cooler and more intriguing. You did a good job talking about the certain details.

  4. Good film review. Taken is a great movie that anyone can easily give away what happens, but I like that throughout the review you never gave much of the movie away. I never realized how the soundtrack added so much to the movie so I like how you brought in aspects of the movie that were somewhat hidden. The overall visuals are awesome, I like the background, the pictures, and the layout of the review. I feel like since the trailer for this movie was action pact, adding the trailer would have put the review over the top.

  5. Great film review. I thought this was a good movie. Liam Neeson did a great job as the "pissed off" father. I made an interesting point on how the soundtrack enhanced the movie. I never thought of that.

  6. Great movie and great review. Your background looks like it is straight out of a legit movie poster which adds to the drama of this review. I really liked how simple the review was; to the point. Everything was well labeled and I liked your hyperlinks.
